Tamale Metropolitan Assembly has collaborated with its key development partner Catholic Relief Service (CRS) and held an Expanded Metropolitan Interagency Coordinated Committee ( MICCS ) to complete the sanitation plan document for the Assembly in Tamale.
The meeting among other things bordered on creating a platform to review the draft sanitation improvement plan for the greater Tamale area, that operates on the principles of collaboration, coordination and leveraging of sector players to address key gaps in the sanitation subsector.
The Mayor of Tamale, Mr Sule Salifu and his Metropolitan Coordinating Director, Mr Gilbert B Nuuri-Teg were among key participants at this engagement session. Assembly members were represented. In particular, Social Services and Sanitation subcommittees’ chairpersons of the Assembly were at the meeting.
Participants including Heads of Department of physical planning and Environmental Health and Sanitation Unit, enthusiastically took turns to share inputs to enrich the draft plan,
Which plan was shared on a PowerPoint presentation by the CRS resource person, Mr Richard.
Among the Key action points was that Tuesday, 16th November, 2021 was tentatively agreed upon as timelines within which to accept inputs from various implementing units to be harmonized for the completion of the plan document.
The subcommittees chairpersons present at the meeting were tasked to link up with their colleagues from the electoral areas, to share updates on existing sanitation infrastructural gaps in terms of dump sites and communal waste container deployment.