TaMA Supported With Tablets To Boost Revenue Mobilization

Management of the Tamale Metropolitan Assembly, today received some tablets to help improve revenue generation and revenue related data collection effort of the Tamale Metropolitan Assembly.

The support was given by one of the Assembly’s time tested and dependable development partners, GIZ, that is currently implementing a project to increase generation using customized applications designed to keep track of revenue stream and how much is realized over a defined fiscal period.

Presenting the tablets, numbering 8, an officer of the donor partner organization, Mr. Cyril Yabe assured management of his organization’s determination to build robust revenue generation capacity for the Assembly, using tailor-made technology. He recounted quite a number of training interventions the revenue collectors and other industry players of the Assembly had benefited over the period, which intervention he noted, was only a necessary precondition for the deployment of the devices in the field.

According to him, the trained personnel were only then expected to apply all that has been taught during the training period.

Receiving the gesture for and on behalf of the Assembly, the Coordinating Director, Mr. Gilbert B Nuuri-Teg was grateful to GIZ for leading efforts initiated by the Assembly in constant collaboration with its key partners to help improve generation. He expressed the hope that this latest intervention will apparently help guarantee improved generation capacity. According to him, it will also help reduce revenue leakages, restore public confidence in the mobilization and consequently ensure voluntary tax compliance and accountability among other projections.

Previous Minister for Works and Housing on a 2-day Working Visit to Northern Region.

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