It would be recalled that under the MiDA access project, 3 markets and economic enclaves in the central business district of Tamale were selected. The beneficiary markets included Lamashegu Market, Timber Market and Central market.
At a ceremony organized in Tamale on 2nd February,2021, a 20-member working group was inaugurated to oversee the project execution, including reviews of progress and addressing emerging challenges, among other responsibilities. Membership were drawn from the project beneficiary markets as well as critical institutions of the state and non-state actors alike, such as TaMA, NEDCo,NBSSI, Innovative Services Limited, ISL, RAP consultants, and works contractor.
Officials from the funding authority, MiDA, who moderated the sitting, admonished the group to be guided at all material times by the self-explanatory terms of reference, TOR, copy of which was shared for the benefit of members.
The group is expected to hold bi-monthly meetings aside any compelling circumstances that could occasion any such meeting as may be specially permitted under the TOR for expeditious execution of the project.
In a power point presentation, 3 key project stakeholders namely; Millennium Development Authority MiDA, project consultant and the work contractor took turns to address the working group on progress report details and work plans with attached time lines.
At an earlier forum, the project officials lead by the project consultant, facilitated a meeting at the auditorium of the TaMA, to resolve a reported case about claims of some self-style leaders of item association members, purportedly representing same which case was amicably resolved at the said meeting to the admiration of all interest groups. The metropolitan coordinating director,MCD, Mr.Abdul-Rahman B.Ahmed in his concluding remarks, urged all project stakeholders herein referred to, to continue doing the needful and remain forthcoming with useful inputs to impact the project execution.
Attached are a few shots on that occasion.